Earn $1000s with Client Referrals
Protect your future sales & earn a referral commission.
Learn how simple it is to get started.
Explore Our Program
01. First, Refer a Client
Have a customer who needs property management? Fill out the form on this page to send them our way.
02. We'll Get in Touch
A member of our team will call your client and walk them through the options available for their property.
03. We'll Pay You
For every client who signs a contract with us, we'll pay you a referral fee of $250.
You Keep Your Client Relationships
We're not interested in taking sales transactions away from you. When you refer a customer to us, we'll take care of their property management needs and refer future sales back to you.
Get Rid of Unnecessary Risk
Are you leaving yourself exposed by providing advice on complicated matters like federal housing guidelines, Section 8 housing, or HOA and insurance requirements? Let our team advise your customer & keep your interests protected.
We'll Give You a Detailed Contract
We're serious about making certain our referral partners feel comfortable working with us; we'll put our agreement in writing to make certain the responsibilities and expectations of both parties are clear.
Our Team Will Make You Shine
At GPRES, we work diligently to ensure every customer has the best possible experience. We'll keep your tenant happy and reflect positively on your recommendation.
We'll Pay You a Referral Fee
Every client who chooses to sign a property management contract with us will net you a referral fee. We pay $250 per client; use the calculator below to determine your potential earnings.